Everything in MultiTenant and Now we have Containers

While I make every effort to avoid the philosophical, we are in a world where almost all technology environments involve some form of virtualised application or infrastructure.  I sit here in late 2018 writing this chapter, and I honestly cannot think of a computing solution that does not use some form of virtualisation technology.  Virtualisation …

Continue reading Everything in MultiTenant and Now we have Containers

The Why and How of Talking Tech with the Board: 3 Strategies to Help Them “Get” Cybersecurity

Nobody wants their enterprise to be the victim of the next big data breach. For chief information security officers (CISOs) and others who eat, breathe and sleep technology, the solutions seem obvious; there are, after all, not many times, waking or sleeping, that we’re not thinking cybersecurity best practices. But there’s a hidden danger to …

Continue reading The Why and How of Talking Tech with the Board: 3 Strategies to Help Them “Get” Cybersecurity